Research Group on Gender and Internacional Relations
Institute of Internacional Relations from University of São Paulo
The I MaRias's Online Seminar took place in November 2020. It was an academic event designed for everyone interested in discussing their research on gender and International Relations, from undergraduate students to doctors and post-docs.
Our goal was to unite students and researchers from Brazil and even from Latin America in a space, even if it was a virtual one.
The Seminar focused on Global South approaches and issues, the same theme we chose for our study group. As feminists located in the South, we believe we should follow a trend in academia and look at theories and research object thought upon and driven to this part of the globe. Thus we challenge most gender studies in International Relations and the mainstream of International Relations, which are focused on the Global North.
I Seminário MaRias

We held 7 undergraduate workgroups (WGs) and 9 graduate (WG). Each workgroup counted with 4 discussers and 2 chairs. We received papers from all Brazilian regions (4 from the North, 3 from the Midwest, 21 from the Northeast, 16 from the South and 42 from the Southeast). And we also got proposals from Argentina (1), Chile (1), and the United States (1).
Women submitted 88 papers, while just 1 man did it. This fact reveals that women have a higher degree of interest in gender studies than men, even though such studies are spread throughout Brazil.
When it comes to race, 71, 9% of the authors self-declared to be white, 11.2% brown, 10.1% black, 2.2% yellow and 4.5% preferred not to declare.
Undergraduate students submitted most of the papers (39.3%). In comparison, master's students submitted 29.2% of the papers, PhD students 7%, masters 6.7%, bachelors 7.9%, and doctors 1.1%. These numbers show a great balance between IR undergraduate's and IR graduate's interest in gender studies.
Check the event pictures below.
Opening Table “Questioning International Relations field through gender global South studies”
The table was attended by Aline Tereza Borgui Leite – coordinator of International Relations at PUC-Goiás – Lara Martim Rodrigues Selis – professor at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) – and Lená Medeiros de Menezes – emeritus professor at the Universidade Estadual Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). The researchers shared valuable reflections on the topic. The recording can be viewed below or on our Youtube channel.
Gender and IR Groups Forum
The forum gathered several Gender and International Relations groups from all over Brazil. It aimed to promote an exchange of experiences among the groups, besides reflecting on the possibility of building a joint work. As a result of this event, it was created a gender, sexuality and International Relations network.
Closing Table: "Feminism, Movement and Resistance in Latin America."
The table speakers were Julieta Paredes – renowned activist, researcher and scholar of community feminism – and Natália Félix – professor of International Relations at PUC-SP. Tchella Fernades Masso – professor at the Universidade de Grande Dourados (UFGD) – was the moderator. The researchers discussed different perspectives on the subject. The recording can be seen below or on our Youtube channel.